Common Sense Parenting 3rd Edition, Book

$14.95 Excl. Tax

Category: Books

Product ID: CSP01

250 pgs, Paperback

ISBN: 9781889322704

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Here’s a great guidebook for parents of children ages 6 to 16 facing a myriad of family challenges: a teen who’s defiant; siblings who constantly bicker; a child having trouble in school, or parents and kids who occupy the same house but don’t communicate or have fun together anymore. Common Sense Parenting provides parents with a menu of proven techniques that will aid them in building good family relationships, preventing and correcting misbehavior, using consequences to improve behavior, teaching self-control, and staying calm. The book shows parents how to approach discipline as positive teaching rather than punishment of their children. Encouraging children by recognizing their good behavior and teaching before problems occur are as important as correcting children’s negative behavior. Parents also learn how to help children solve problems, reach goals by using charts and contracts, and practice new social skills. As each new parenting technique is introduced, the authors explain each step, provide many clear examples, and give parents an action plan for implementing it in their home.


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